🔗 GitHub


I like reading personal improvement and mindset change type books on Kindle e-reader. Some of these books are downloaded straight from the internet and not from the Kindle store. I take highlights during my reading which I wanted to sync to my Notion workspace. There was no existing app that could do this job, so I developed my own.

Kindle exports the highlights as a file named MyClippings.txt. The NodeJS application reads the MyClipping.txt file exported by Kindle, parses it using Regex, extracts all the highlights, book names, highlight time etc and creates a JSON. It then uses Notion API to sync these highlights to a database in my Notion workspace. The app maintains a cache (JSON) containing the number of highlights synced for each book. This allows the highlights to be synced incrementally, preventing re-syncing of old highlights.

After the app was received well by the open-source community and other developers contributed to improve the app, I dockerized it to make shipping the app easier. Now, the users don’t have to install any dependency. They can just use the docker run command with the path to their clippings file along with their Notion API key and database ID. This would sync their highlights to their Notion database.

As a part of automation, I implemented auto build and deployment of containers on push to the master branch using GitHub Actions. If a developer raises a pull request and I merge it to the master branch, the GitHub workflow automatically builds the app and deploys it to GitHub packages repository.